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Search Results for "James Estes (UC Santa Cruz) 2: Apex Predators: Sea Otters and Kelp Forests"
James Estes (UC Santa Cruz) 2: Apex Predators: Sea Otters and Kelp Forests
James Estes (UC Santa Cruz) 1: The Ecological Function of Apex Predators
James Estes (UC Santa Cruz) 3: Apex Predators Around the World
Dr. James Estes - Sea Otters and Kelp Forests: Questions, Approaches, and Perspectives
Dr. James Estes presents: "Sea otters and kelp forests: questions, approaches, and perspectives"
NAS Research Briefings: James A. Estes - Large Predators and Nature’s Functions
How Sea Otters Defend CO2 Absorbing Kelp Forests I Climate Heroes
Jim Estes | Historical Perspectives Interview Excerpt | Aquatic Mammals
Ecology Lesson: Kelp, Urchins, & Otters
This is Us: Terrie Williams
Marine Night Sept. 27, 2021 Sea Otters, Kelp Forests and Change
FE2.7 - Kelp Worlds Part 1: Trophic Cascadia